lundi 2 mars 2015

3 train your mind on a private exam quick ways to remember

Saisissez du texte, l'adresse d'un site Web ou importez un document à traduire.Go to the training center to strengthen the muscles of your body leading cycling ability to increase the probability, but you need to train your mind is also a member of the most important thinker in the body and controls the entire body and your day and your decisions. This article from the Educate yourself has 3 ways to train your mind to learn faster and remember better in difficult situations, especially inside the exam halls site.

1. Depend on your memory: For example, when you plan to enter a meeting Try to remember all your plan and topics you want discussed without written. Training Ay remember events and things and then discuss with others contribute significantly to you hold a strong memory. In fact, memory exercises contribute to the revitalization of the brain in general operations of the receiver and memory, thinking, and if you ask what is the simplest way to remember ?? The answer is going to be repetition if you want to remember something that should be repeated up to 6 times the concentration

2. something different repeatedly: When you something new every day again and again, the brain creates new connections through the generation of new nerve cells, which helps you to think better and faster
When I was young age of three years, I stuck a fork and barely got used to it after it became the cause chaos and this is not only a sign of strength, but a sign that you always want to test something new

But the question is ... how we can apply the previous example on life now ??
Whenever your ability to embrace change your mind enables faster whenever learn faster Adjalmm will not wait until the last second to get what you want

The good you can embrace change when a small part of it is frequently applied every day, which gives the brain a chance to generate appropriate amounts of neurons every time without surprises and news. Just type your goal in the paper and divided it into small tasks to do every day

3. Learn something new: This step may be somewhat intuitive, but the more you use your mind more the better performance. For example, as I learned on a new musical instrument the better ability to translate musical notes also that you learn a new foreign language gives your mind the skill necessary to think differently and express yourself in ways that better and best of all it gives you the ability to learn Alzheimer's disease resistance dramatically

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